Background Research

In The News 

Shell continues to expand its LNG leadership with the purchase of new positions from Repsol S.A.
In February, Shell invested $4.4 billion to acquire part of Repsol's portfolio in Peru and Trinidad and Tobago, further expanding it's role in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry. The acquisition should add some 7.2 million metric tons per year of LNG volumes through long-term off-take agreements.

Kublalsingh prepared to end 20-day hunger strike
In December, environmentalist Dr. Wayne Kublalsingh Tuesday ended his 20-day hunger strike over the construction of a highway in south Trinidad. The 53-year-old environmentalist and his Highway Re-route Movement (HRM) objected to the construction of the highway, costing more than $1 billion (USD), because it would destroy the environment and uproot many families that have lived on that land for many years.

BPTT makes big natural gas find
BP Trinidad and Tobago discovered an estimated 1 trillion cubic feet (tcf) natural gas discovery off Trinidad's south east coast last November. BP is the largest producer of natural gas in the country, holding more than a majority of the market since 2011. 

Sea claims lands, houses in Icacos, Trinidad and Tobago
More than a mile of the coast at Icacos has disappeared into the sea, leaving behind sea-beaten coconut trees, remnants of houses and chunks of cracked asphalt from the road. The erosion was most evident at the Icacos Main Road, close to the Constance and St Andrews coconut estates.



Eric Lombardi is the Executive Director of Eco-Cycle in Boulder, Colorado. He recently traveled to Tobago to work with Essie Parks, a leader in environmental conservation in Trinidad and Tobago and saw first hand some of the problems facing the country.

Our deeper corruption
Ralph Maraj, a former government minister, wrote this column last August about the corruption that exists within the nation's government. Maraj identifies what he believes is cause of this problem: an apathetic people.
Lack of concern for environmental issues
The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian newspaper began a series on the environment in 2010 pushing for legislation and environmental protections. However, little has changed according to this August 2012 column.
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012


Facts and Figures 


Corruption Perception Index 2012
A list of the world's most corrupt countries; Trinidad and Tobago is ranked 80th, tied with Serbia and China.  

CIA GDP per capita
A list of countries ranked by GDP; Trinidad and Tobago comes in at number 70. (Data collected from 2012)

A handy info-graphic that neatly displays what this dual island nation imports and exports. (Data collected from 2010)  



The Earthwise Team (Video)
The environmental group EarthWise Limited filmed some of the country's most disturbing water pollution in 2011 as they investigated the Manacai River. 

Tar Sands in T&T? A look at the world’s dirtiest oil, from Canada to Trinidad and Tobago (PDF)
An investigative report looks into the unique similarities between tar sands operations in Canada and Trinidad and Tobago. The report explains the devastation that occurred in Canada and what it could mean for this Caribbean nation.

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